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AGVs for the Transportation and Logistics Industry
When it comes to customised solutions for your logistics centre, we have the right AGV system for you.

AGV in narrow-aisle warehouse

Automated guided vehicle systems can be flexibly integrated into existing warehouse systems. The transport robots are precisely modified and customised to the respective customer requirements. Our transport solution for Duracell comprises seven transport robots from the VNA MOVE series, which are used in Brussels for the storage and retrieval of batteries in 30,000 stations of the narrow-aisle warehouse.

Find out more about AGVs in the narrow-aisle warehouse

Automate high-bay warehouses with AGVs

Narrow-aisle warehouses usually only have an aisle width of 1,400 to 1,800 mm, but are higher than other storage systems with transfer heights of up to 15 metres. Automated guided vehicles can be flexibly integrated into existing warehouse systems. The transport robots are precisely modified and customised to the respective customer requirements. For more than 35 years, we have been automating series-produced industrial trucks from well-known manufacturers and equipping the vehicles with navigation and control systems.

ek robotics has realised automated solutions in narrow and high-bay warehouses for several customers from a wide range of industries such as Gerolsteiner, DAW and Duracell.

AGV combines picking, storage and shipping

Fitshop GmbH in north Germany has over 51,000 m² of warehouse space available for picking, storing and handling goods. Our automated guided vehicle system ensures efficient warehouse automation with decades of high availability. The transport robot fleet comprises nine vehicle models from the modular VARIO MOVE series, which are responsible for linking incoming goods, order picking and outgoing goods.

The high-bay warehouse will also be operated automatically in future, contributing to an efficient material flow between the areas. Four narrow-aisle forklift trucks from the VNA MOVE series store and retrieve pallets precisely in the high-bay warehouse with 30 aisles and a length of 80 metres each.

A narrow-aisle forklift truck with a load in front of a high-bay warehouse
Our transport robots take over both: the unloading at the goods receiving area and the storage of all goods in special narrow-aisle warehouses.