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Congratulations to our young talents! 🎉 ek robotics NextGen class of 2024

Eleven dedicated colleagues were honored for their outstanding performance.

Because of their excellent performance, eleven dedicated colleagues receive the ek robotics NeXtGen nomination certificate for the class of 2024. They can now look forward to an individual development program that will provide targeted support for their professional and personal development over the next three years. The focus is on encouragement, challenge and fun. In addition, all nominees have the opportunity to further expand their professional network.

"For me, the award is an appreciation of the work I have done so far and recognition that I am seen as having further potential for development," says Fabian Jerrentrup, who has been a project manager at ek robotics since May 2022. During the award ceremony, Marie-Christin Adomeit from Mechanical Engineering emphasized the daily cooperation with her colleagues: "Especially in tricky project phases, I notice that we all pull together and give everything for success. Everyone tries to think outside the box."

NeXtGen is a development program for talented, committed and experienced ek robotics employees. True to the motto "Performance pays off!", Managing Directors Andreas Lindemann and Martin Klein have launched the development program to offer additional opportunities to employees who show commitment, perspective and potential. The program offers up to three years of individually tailored further training based on the needs and potential of the participants. Every year, managers can put forward colleagues for nomination. The Management Board then assesses the development potential of each individual and selects up to 12 people for the award.

We are proud of our NeXtGen talents and look forward to their future successes!



Congratulations to (from top left to bottom right): Fabian Jerrentrup, Emil Engel, Philipp Beidatsch, Sebastian Reimers, Carolin Lübbe, Carolin Raab, Marie-Christin Adomeit. Not pictured: Dennis Drehmel, Julian Schwarzat, Lisa Rosenbaum, Yves Klein.